Money, they say, has wings. The cash you have in hand today might just vanish tomorrow, and that's a hard fact. Many must have thought or even experienced this scenario. We understand that while spending is easy, not everyone thinks about the future. It's time to change that. It's time to think about tomorrow.
Consider this: 'Today you earn, you're healthy, but in a few years, your ability to work may diminish, and the money you're making today might not be there then. So, what will you do and how will you manage?'
Thinking about this, every one of us needs to start saving right away. We need to save more than we spend and put our money in the right places. This means not only will you save more, but your savings will also grow. It's like saying that anything you do consistently for 21 days becomes a habit; well, savings can be a habit too. Starting to save regularly can turn your small savings into a substantial sum, ensuring your future is secure.
So, what are you waiting for? Start saving today!!! To support you on this journey and secure your future, your savings companion, Nagpur City Multistate, is right here with you, 24x7. If you have any questions or doubts, don't hesitate. Meet us at any of our branches, talk to us, share your concerns, and let us guide you on the path to financial security!
- Mr. Jitendra Wasnik
Chairman, Nagpur City Multistate Co-Operative Credit Society Ltd., Nagpur